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2022-05-18 22:11:28

被动语态的结构是:助动词be+及物动词的过去分词。是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。eg. Saddam is being tried. 萨达姆正在接受审判。



Saddam is being tried. 萨达姆正在接受审判。

The Iraqi government is trying Saddam. 伊拉克政府正在审判萨达姆。

More and more people use computers now.(主动语态)

Computers are more and more widely used now.(被动语态)

English is spoken all over the world. (被动语态)








Am/is/are given


Was/were given


Shall/will be given


Am/is/are being given


Was/were being given


Should/would be given


Has/have been given


Had been given


“During the interview, were you asked questions in English?” “No, I wasn’t asked questions in English.” “面试的时候,用英语问你问题了吗?”“没有,没有用英语问我问题。”

The origin of the universe will probably never be explained. 宇宙的起源大概永远也不会被解释清楚。

Is the restaurant being decorated? 那家餐馆正在装修吗?

The restaurant is not being decorated. In the fact the restaurant has never been decorated。那家餐馆没有在装修。实际上,那家餐馆从来没有装修过。



I felt a littlie nervous when I was being interviewed. 我接受面试的时候,有点紧张。

These fighters are imported from Russia. 这些战斗机是从俄国进口的。

That place has been turned into a swimming pool. 那个地方已被变成游泳池。


He’s said/believed/reported to be in the U. S. A. 据说/据信/据报道他在美国。


It is said that……. 据说

It is reported that……. 据报道

It is hoped that……. 希望

It is believed that……. 人们相信

It is announced that……. 据宣布

it is (well) known that……. 众所周知

It has been decided that……. 已经决定

It is supposed that……. 人们认为

It is suggested that……. 有人建议

It must be remembered that……. 务必记住

It is taken for granted that……. 被视为当然



They will open a new supermarket there soon. 他们很快将在那里开办个新超市。

A new supermarket will be opened there soon. 一个新超市不久将在那里开办。

The doctor gave two lectures in English. 那位医生用英语讲了两次课。

Two lectures were given by the doctor in English. 由那位医生用英语讲了两次课。

Somebody has warned us to be careful of rats. 有人警告我们要当心老鼠。

We have been warned to be careful of rats. 我们受到警告,要当心老鼠。


The reporters asked the president some questions. 记者们问了总统一些问题。

The president was asked some questions by the reporters. ( 变间接宾语为主语)

Some questions were asked the president by the reporters. (变直接宾语为主语)

We have given him a job. 我们已给了他一个工作。

He has been given a job. (变间接宾语为主语)

A job has been given (to) him. (变直接宾语为主语)



The timetable can be changed any time. 时间表随时可以改变。

This book may not be taken out of the reading room. 这本书不允许带出阅览室。

This dictionary must be taken good care of. 这本词典必须保管好。



School begins in September. 学校九月份开学。

The library doesn’t open on Sunday. 图书馆星期天不开放。

The machine runs well. 这台机器容易操作。

My pen writes well. 我的钢笔好使。

The cloth washes well. 这料子耐洗。

The dictionary sells well. 这词典销路很好。

The book hardly sells. 这书买不出去。

The door will not shut/lock. 门关/锁不上。

2、make, see, watch, hear, notice, feel等使役动词和感官动词的宾语后面可以接不带to的不定式作宾补。但在被动语态中,不定式符号to必须补上。例如:

They made him go. 他们让他去。

He was made to go. 他被要求去了。

I heard him say good-bye to his friends. 我听见他向他的朋友说再见。

He was heard to say good-bye to his friends. 有人听到他向他的朋友说再见。


I got lost in the huge market. 在那个巨大的市场中我迷失了方向。

You might get killed/hurt. 你会送命/受伤的。

In the end this story got translated into English. 这故事最后被译成了英文。

His car got damaged in a road accident.  他的车在交通事故中被毁了。


I’ll have the bike repaired in no time. 我一会就把自行车修好。

I had my wallet stolen/lost last Sunday when I was shopping. 上星期天买东西的时候我的钱夹被盗。

He got his leg broken when playing football.  踢足球的时候他把腿弄断了。

I bought these books at a discount and had two hundred dollars saved. 我打折买了这些书,省了两百美元。

5、在need, want, require后面,主动的-ing形式表达被动的意思:

My watch needs cleaning. (=…needs to be cleaned) 我的表需要清洗。

Your garden needs watering. (=…to be watered) 你的花园需要浇水。

Does your suit require pressing, sir? 先生,您的衣服要烫吗?


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